
“The easiest way to accumulate wealth is to run your own outfit” is a tenet oilman John D. Rockefeller might have uttered a century ago. Those words, however, came from Daniel W. Hunt. In 1991 he left a paid position to start Asphalt Specialties, in Henderson, Colo., intending “to be able to do what I wanted without having to worry about where the next mortgage payment was coming from. I was going to remain a little company; my goal was to get to 3 million a year, do that for maybe 20 years, make a comfortable living, and put enough away to retire on.” Renting equipment as needed, Hunt advised his five-person crew, “If we’re going to grow at all, this is how–pretty darn slowly.” Then Denver started to boom. As big highway projects went begging, Hunt’s resolve faded. He borrowed money and bought his own machinery. Two years later, he remembers, “I was out on a project, and I looked at everything going on–we had blades and loaders doing dirt, and paving behind that, and I thought, ‘This is just like a real company!'” Some 50 employees helped the company post revenues of about 8 million in 1996.

(Used with permission of Inc. Magazine Copyright© 2007. All rights reserved.)

Today, Asphalt Specialties Co., Inc. is an integrated heavy-highway contractor producing our own aggregates, concrete and asphalt products. The construction portion of the company consists of sub-grade preparation, overlays and asphalt paving for residential, industrial and commercial projects. ASCI also maintains a fully staffed quality control department and laboratory to meet our customers demanding and changing needs.

ASCI now owns and operates four sand and gravel mining and production operations, three asphalt plants and multiple asphalt/concrete recycling sites which are capable of on or off-site operation. At any given time, ASCI is the acting general contractor on eight to ten major construction projects. Our core management team has over 150 years of technical service experience. ASCI presently employs approximately 300 people and maintains over 200 pieces of heavy-highway equipment. Annual revenues are quickly approaching 80 million dollars which showcases the value of service being provided to our customers.

Dan Hunt, sole principal owner, brings forth his entrepreneurial leadership that has built ASCI to its current status and his vision continues to serve as a commitment to the Colorado construction sector.

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